About 2 day ago i had to delete my StudiVZ Account, too many people are asking and serching me and i was afraid, they could find my girlfriend. So please, let us leave in peace. Now I know which Site is talking about us: http://aladygma.com .
I have no idea what this "aladygma" is. So i tell you, i have nothing to do with it. I have no idea why on the site they wrote "Thomas Student Room 211", but definetely: I am not THAT Thomas!.
So, i have many new Videos of my Student-life, me and my girlfriend. But just because I want try to keep some privacy, i will mostly show Fotos and not Videos in my Blog. My Girlfriend is not shy, she is a good looking one :-) but she is also a little bit afraid of whats happening in the last time, all those E-Mails- but i believe this Hype will soon dye, because volk, like i said, i have nothing to do with this story.
16 years ago
this blog is the film.
Someone got looked into aladygma...
if you are able to read italian language have a look at:
If it doesn't work, try:
It's coming,no one will escape ,it's too late .
Why I did that ...
how did you delete your account? i want to delete mine but i don't understand a word of german!
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