Today i was really p... off because of all bad comments.
I should learn!!! I should buy a pregnant - Test. Am i the Father, or are "they" like she said? Oh my God, what do i am thinking of.
No, no really ... I should stop this blog and stop reading all mails and comments.
The only thing i want is: that Sarah do not goes crazy. She talks about UFOs an Monsters. She Talks about abductions and destruction. She means, something is coming. Some things happened here, i could believe too in this. Some things. But i want to live a normal life and stop it. I dON´T WANT TO BELIEVE IT.
I do not really know what is going on. Is she right, is she getting crazy, what is
What is the f... Org. really.
What are they doing. Wich comments are fake, wich are real. Are they meaning me? I don´t know. YOU TOLD ME this on comment. So I saw the letters on aladygma. But maybe is not about me.
AND: Who are YOU?
This are strange Days :(
I feel like living in a Movie. The world around me, in this little Student Room is fucking real.
Too little sometimes.
One more: I will never tell you if Sarah is the Girl on Photo.
Why should i? Would you?
However, i don´t want to risk something. I love her more than ever. I´m afraid for her.
I hope nothing bad happens.
But hey volks, if you believe i am so naiv to believe on your Mafia Comments, well, you are crazy.
So, it´s Midnight here in Austria, I go sleep, Sarah is quiet. Maybe next day is a better day.
16 years ago
shit...sorry, im not speak friend...all its real...they're its coming.
july 29
Que bueno que son estas campañas virales que hacen para las pelis ultimamente, te mente de lleno en la peli. Saludos desde Argentina
and thomas, close your blog; you understand this.
please, close your blog!!!!!
mmm...esto ya no me gusta, pero bueno.
esta bueno esto, ojala realmente esto sea una campaña viral, sino...que poca madre en hacerte pasar todo esto amigo
Que siga abierto total no jode a nadie, sigamos creyendo que es un juego, ja es finde semana y no haya nada que hacer ni con que entretenerce.
Why stop reading? The comments will not affect you outcome. Why stop the blog? It will continue with or without you. And the pregnancy test, what will this prove? Only that Sarah is pregnant not by whom. Do you really believe in the monsters in the closet? Are you know what you saw? Is Sarah sure?
Projekt 00-11-28-28 will continue as planned until it's completion. You should continue to report anything else you experience that is related to Sarah's condition.
Thomas, I really want to help you through this, but you need to help me understand everything that is going on.
If you refuse to provide information, I cannot provide any insight as to what is going on.
Again, if you wish to contact me in other ways, I'm willing to talk with you about this privately.
If not, well, my best wishes are with you.
tal vez no venga al caso lo que dire, pero creo saber que esta en el primer dibujo: lo que yo veo es a una persona reflejada (como si vieramos los opuestos) uno normal (literalmente) y otro que parece...malo??? algo asi. el punto es que dibuja un reflejo
THomas did you come down from the mountains with William and Bert?
....And if this blog and others are from the movie X.FILES 2 ??????
i´m germany, Guillermo, this is cloverfield. Look at all the photos and videos that has hung Thomas and buscale relationship with the film Cloverfield. Even the photos of is easy to relate with Cloverfield.
X-file 2 has nothing to do with this. Besides, look who directed the film. Frank Spotnitz is the writer and the producer is Chris Carter, did you read where your JJ Abrams?
sorry for my english
Guten Morgen
Thomas... We want to help you... I believe you, and I Think that This is real, and It is Happenning... I would help you, if you just put more information, and tell us more... But I know What is happening... Your Girlfriend is Pregnant with an alien Baby... They want to Clean Outer Space... The Others want To Keep It Black... They are Aliens, who follow the White Space, and are making a Film of You, Sarah, Dany, and Ana. I am NOT One Of Them. Just Let me Help... I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have seen the name of j.j abrams by some place.?
Because I no, which is to me extra??o is that we do not know to
anything of J.J because he can to have said that is or a false one or
that it is a product his or of another producer.
I think much things, but the first is that this blog and everything arround aladygma is a faKe
Sorry for my english lol
The truth is out there...
Trust no one!
Thomas I really whis somebody want to help you ; i believe in you , i whis lucky....and Sara....
Thomas hello !
Where is Sarah in this moment ?
Where are you too ?
Please help me...
A friend
thomas,it's me,bernardidacruz again,dude,i hope you are OK,man,i belive in you,just dont let those idiots scary you
your friend
"the brazilian"
Aladygma - большая ложь
Студент проект
Mulder, are you there? There's something here in the white space...
Manda al diablo a tu novia, lo mas seguro es que el supuesto extraterrestre sea el vecino con el que te engaña. Cierra este blog si no quieres que te sigan escribiendo sobre aladygma
july 29...coming soon next day...july 30. 11/28/28=11:28:28.
its real..they're its coming
rhye'te tis gocinm
its no a fake...
i dont know...
Thomas is a liar
Thomas is a liar and not a project of JJ Abrams
kereis dejar ya de dar por culo con tanta mierda de web viral y gilipolleces.cloverfield no me gusto y esta no va aser menos.
thomas is real, aladygma is real
its the truth...
they're see you....
BLAH BLAH BALH aliens are coming, monsters are real, the prejekt is real, they're coming to get you, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH, this blog is nothing more then a daytime soap opera mashed together with the sci-fi channel.
Hi, if you take 2 out of 11 you get...
Thomas, search about "Ashtar Galactic Command" And you will have answers...
You say you want to live a normal life. What is normal? If you live long enough in a way that most would consider abnormal, it will become the new normal for you. Others will continue to see you as abnormal, but in your mind you are the same as you've always been.
We are in trouble....
the queen buster!
if this is a dream, please, don't wake me!
sorry thomas, but i am sure this blog is a viral marketing blog, so if it is the marketing for a new alien film, this is really awesome.
i have dreamed about this for years!
if i'm wrong about the truth of the blog, i hope everything will be fine, for you and for your girlfriend.
something is about to happen... something wonderful.
Quid loquor aut ubi sum?Quae mentem insania mutat?
Dear friend, aren't you still waiting the Pioneer 10 to come back?
Your friend from the military observatory
Tschuss StefsTM
Pioneer 10 and 11,and Voyager 1,2, and Golden Record all need to git on to the house!
New Update.
Picture of one of the members of FTWSPACES
a good source of news
all the truth about Aladygma
Gente miren lo que a aparecido en la pagina de Slusho.
En la parte superior izquierda hay un simbolo, lo deben de haber puesto hace muy muy poco. Yo creo que esto confirma Cloverfield 2.
I think this is not the Thomas we are looking for!! According to "DD" from , we must search for the 'real' Thomas!
You'll never protect your girlfriend if you don't tell us if she is the one on the photo on aladygma website. Maybe, we can help you. Other advice : leave this student room if you're afraid.
i thing, your are not the real Thomas. Where is the real Thomas ???
And, who are you ???
Is this the real Thomas???
Naaaaaa, the real Thomas Dahlem is from Germany not Spain. There is also a YouTube video that the picture on cames from. And the guy on it speaks only in Spanish, and on the color bar at the beginning of the video has Los Angeles and a 1-877 phone number.
möchten sie saugen mein andersgeartet penis thomas?
New Picture:
New Site: !!!!!
New Picture:
New Site: !!!!!
help meg and please find real thomas !!!
00 11 22 88 = 00 + 11 + 22 + 88 = 121
This are Zener CARDS !!!
I know...
Analysis of the new video of Aladygma.
Analysis of the new video of Aladygma.
Picture from the new Video:
December 2008 ???
Bleep blippity blip blap blip 2008?
look on the Back site, there is the black new slusho sign...
Take me to your leader.
Venga...vamos a hacer como que nos creemos que es verdad y que no es una peli...:)
Oh..sorry Thomas...Your girlfriend is an alien...kill her and put her into your room like a plastic alien xD
Have you any idea of what she intended for "monsters". All this thing, you're a human, so weak.
UFO, oh my God, they aren't arrive from space... they're from our Heart. The demons walks among us.
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