So, that´s really too much.
This is a bigger "game", too big for me, as i could ever imagine.
i got some helping comments,i would like to answer, but too many Things are happening, I don t know who can I trust, who not. I talked with the Police, they also told me, I should not speak about it with someone. I´d really should close this Blog. I just can tell, i beliebve this is not something just happening to us, that´s happening everywhere.
My Girlfriend is like changed. She sit there and draws some strange stuff. Maybe I will show one of those drawings, bevor I close the Blog.
16 years ago
E eu com isso? :)
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, eso de poner "game" suena sospechoso y tu ingles tiene muuuuuuuchos errores de dedo XD.
visit my blog =P
how are things going now? please, show us your girlfriend's drawing.
no fear, thomas.
Are you ready for what will come thomas??
Remember our deal, Thomas.
I'm a Jerico firend
we are trying to understand what's happening,
please contact us,
we can help you
Uhm, i think you're only a fake.
do you know what cloverfield is thomas?
i like to see the drawing.
Hey man.
I wouldn't worry about anything you see posted or emailed to you.
Don't close your blog just cause some people can't seperate fiction from reality. Just ignore them
If you need help with your English, just ask in your next post. I'd be happy to help.
max respect for JJ and his work. i wanna work for you :P
Thomas, I'm sorry for disturbing you. Our company lost a satellite 2 months ago and the remaining parts fell in US soil. In this satellite we had a certain kind of food, very important for us. Our investigatores have pointed that it fell in your building. That's why we're investigating your surroundings. Please forgive our indiscretion. Yours Sincerely,
Racso Tagruato.
Racso Tagruato Rules...
mr racso tagruato, this special food is call seabed nectar???
Thomas, remember the material "ltoyoclauhazen", we need that study about the effects in the brain.
remember the 9 in the station from germany.
i study... the viral marketing...
i think this is a joke/study
dont forget to look about 'ichwerdedeinemutteressen' either. It's really important.
i'm not sure what you are trying to say, but after replacing the "ded" with "tat" the direct translationis "I who did a mother eat". Are you sure this is what you wanted to say?
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