Sarah (yes, that´s her Name) believe, she is pregnant!
She believe, i am not the Father. She believe, THEY are.
A organisation called FTWSpace contacted her. Please God help me to understand, help me find a way out.
16 years ago
Yo decifre Aladygma...
ye.. cool... FTWSpace... Follow The White Space.....
FTWSpace = follow the white space
Esto me huele a Fake me parece real pero este blog es pura basura.
This site is a Fake
have you seen josh or jj roun' here? maybe they're hidin' from sarah cuz she got pregnated by tha fwts peepol in tha room 211 at the embassy sweets nyc. the address be 102 north end ave. nyc, ny.
dude... wft?
this post sounds like real fake!!!
JJ will never do something so stupid like a organization called "FTWSpaces"... so obvious that is "follow the white spaces"...
man... if you wanna play the game... do it right!
Este blog no es falso...eso es lo que el quiere que crean...el habla en todos los post sobre aliens y cosas por el estilo, incluso dice gustarle la pelicula de Aliens, y justamente algo extraño aparece con una luz y hace algo con "Sarah"...por otro lado, el link de uno de los espacios en blancos dice "dan%20" y el blog de la persona que esta en el mapa, subrayado, se llama Dan...yo hasta ahora el jueguito de Aladygma y de Thomas y etc me la estoy encontrando facil...iva al equal que Cloverfield, porque se han puesto a leer bien los dialogos que hablan los personajes...quien graba el video da su hipotesis de que paso, y tanto asi que no la descarta, viene siendo la misma hipotesis que los usuarios sacaron sobre eso...
You not are the father?, how is that possible?
Es por eso que el blog esta abierto a cualquier comentario, si en realidad recive tantas amenazas ya lo hubiera puesto privado, cosa que no ha hecho, prefiere leer todos los comentarios, un amigo me dijo que cambiara a "Follow the whitespaces" por "Coming the whitespaces" y "Coming soon next day" por "Follow soon next day"...algo absurdo pero valdria
ok, you moved in with sarah, you are harassed by strange organization, strange web site, girlfriend has experience with light and big headed man-thing, she starts drawing pictures of lizardy-t rex-type monsters, you've talked to police, repeatedly stated you need to close blog.But something is missing. You explained your girlfriend the light and big headed man-thing but you did not discribe in detail about her total experience. If you do people might be able to help. Your already out there no reason to be shy now.
I believe this is j.j, abrams. last time he used all .com and .org but this time he want to tell us this is a true story
i can't believe you said that Thom,
I'm coming
thomas you are withholding info. someone knows you and sarah, and is worried about sarah. who is dany to you?
is THIS the organization you are talking about?
Lo siento Ana, te amo de todas formas, y lo siento cryor, pero no puedo seguir. FTWSpaces es una organizacion que sabe algo que deberiamos saber, pero que especulamos, ellos se comunicaron con una persona la cual ha decidido paasar la historia al mundo entero, hasta que no llegue a un limite de comentarios y busquedas no habra nada nuevo, cuando llegue a donde debe llegar algo nuevo saldra al aire, y sera el ultimo en la pag, solo dura 6 seg en cambiar, solo habra 6 pistas, 6 "espacios en blanco"
I rather use
Thomas, i´m Roland, your Hannover´s friend. Here's the photo of your girlfriend that I commissioned.
haber si te enteras de una puta vez que tu novia te esta poniendo los cuernos xDDD quien sabe, a lo mejor alguno de los que estamos posteando es el padre xDDDDDDDD
I'm fitting the pieces together in a puzzle. I need to know more about your piece.
I was normal once.
Dany mcdavid says he knew Sarah before they met you, Thomas, and someone called Mary after 9/11 at some NYC medical facility. How do you know it's not his?
Visit my blog :) I think your gf is a crazy woman :)
Oh, lmao...when I read that the first thing that came to my head was 'for the win space' a geekier myspace...but follow the white space makes more sense ¬_¬...and anyone reading this just lost the game. Sorry.
sacarlett lowry or sacarlet lowry notified recipient: The door is closed, host is gone, and turtles are been counted by a perfect 10.The new release of art coming soon, by the way, fotos are coming out soon to.
The journey has started with a perfect 10 younger then the last one in the journey. The usual spoilings and dreams are now in the hands and wishes of true gratefull beauty. Perfect in everyway. In body and in mind.
Other then that, process has started in other things....As you may already know....
The path of patience is over and is now the path of action.
"The One" turn to be "One More"
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