Thank you!!!! Someone of you is really that much helping me. The ex-Stalker Boravik contacted me and told me about the Map.
he told me, he can not send me the Map.Someone want to kill him. And when this Killer see, I got the Map, they will follow me and Sarah. Shit.
Boravik told me some soldier are getting together to help me. Wich soldier>??? I became a lot of Mails from all the world but not from soldier. He told me, a General is going to put that soldier together. I believe, this is not a legal army but a self-made. Anyway, I need help. So if THIS GENERAL IS READING HERE: PLEASE CONTACT ME SO SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!! Now i know, i have to start from Venice. Why, I don´t know...but i learned, not to ask to much. Time is running. I will get the Ferry on this Week.
I must come so soon as possible to Vergina. Sarah is getting more and more ill i believe, she is really Pregnant, but in a not human. It seems to grow and grow in few days and not in Months. I am SO AFRAID OF THIS! What should I do. How will the child looks like????? Oh my God. I feel strange and SHE IS STRANGE.
But i will arrive to Vergina, I will meet the Stalker Andrei-everything MUST WORK!
16 years ago
Good Luck man :)
contact me if you need smething ;)
ciao thomas...
il fatto è che mancano ancora 7 pezzi della mappa.
Il tempo stringe...speriamo di farcela..
Hi, man... I'm a soldier, but know nothing about a general. Anyway, I'm ready, wating for orders...
IBZ, from Brazil...
The sound someone asked me, the sound able to help you is ready thomas.
please try to contact me.
if stjephan says the truth, yesterday 2 july was the last day for the pieces. this means that from now on, we wont receive other pieces from him...We will have to work using just those pieces.
Se stjephan dice la verità, ieri 2 luglio era l'ultimo giorno per i pezzi. questo significa che da adesso non riceveremo altri pezzi da lui...dovremo lavorare soo usando quei pezzi.
Good Luck Thomas!
I hope you're ok...
Si necesitas algo dime!!
(if you need something.....tell me obout it)
and take care!
Amazing... But... You think is safe go to veneza now? without all information? Well, who send a Killer?
You talk about an entity, but, this entity have agents? soldiers? Is because of that, all the mistery created by you, aladygma project and FTWS?
Well, if the general read this... Well, i can imagine the identity of the general, i think i figured out who is he... And if he read my comment, i´m in, don´t forget me...
And Thomas, you have an injuried arm... You really need a good bodyguard... And a personal weapon... Don´t act just with "your face and courage"...
And one more thing... Your awnser here, you need to say to us truth, but, not informations about how you will act... If you go by the sea now they can figure out, don´t be ... Think in other "routes"...
About Sarah... I think, you ill need help (not an hospital) to make the child born... And soon, if that isn´t human, that can kill her...
You need find a doctor, or someone with skills to save Sarah... But, not in the hospital...
Sorry i forget this... How they sent e-mails to you? Well, if you think i can help in something... You will got my e-mail(sometimes i think is a waste of time offer my help but...)
And remember, you broke an arm, don´t be fool, you need something to protect you... Well, if I had means to go to Venice, I could do this safety myself, but when the best we can do is wish good luck and try to help you with ideas, and logistics (if you need and request)...
my e-mail:
Carmine, good question... Well... That means... You aren´t the General? Or you can be that General?
Be careful Thomas And please try to get sarah to somewhere safe... that "child" needs to get to this world...
Well, the most important "tip" i have to you is... Make contact and find a doctor FAST and make that child born...
Even "premature"(i don´t know if this is the correct word... bad english), even before the time... Sarah can die... Stop watch and make something about that child... Two lives depend of you...(i hope you read this and understand...)
i'm with Lucero!!
You have to take Sarah somewhere, where the "child" can born, and if this baby isn't human, kill it....
Is the best option....
You have my help!
And if you need something! Tell me!
Desde Mexico....Saludos!
Thomas, let me know if you nedd help!
I want to help you!
But, where are you now?
We need the child Thomas
Don´t listen to the others... Human or not... I think, the child will be half human, that can be a good signal... Follow your stincts... But you must help the child to born, because Sarah life can depend of it...
I think that if this "baby" can kill Sarah, you have to take her to some place where can help her...
And Lucero, you don´t have to say "Don't listen to the others", Like you, i wanna help....I don´t know the others...But i wanna help..
And, thomas, you have to trust!!
Saludos desde Mexico!!
It´s wrong kill a child, doesn´t matters the reason, wathever...
Thomas will need to follow his instincts, we don´t know the state of Sarah and the nature of the child, but, he can understand, when he bring the child to the world, if he listen to our tips, he will bring that children to the world soon...
The destiny of the child, Thomas have to decide, isn´t the fact of the child be 100% human or not, Thomas need to follow his heart and instincts... I think the most important thing is save Sarah, the life of the child,this is not our subject...
You're completely right!
the most important thing now, is Sarah, i'm with you, i think i gave thomas a extremely option...Sorry....
Thomas......Help Sarah!
Sorry!! My english is no so good..
My english too, but i understand all you say... We must have faith, this child can be hope too...Thomas, be calm, focus on the more important things, the life of Sarah, after you look your child in the eyes, you can think about he´s nature, and his destiny... You must have faith and act... You need a doctor, someone who can bring this child to the world... And more fast possible, Sarah life can depend of it, if possoble... TODAY!
Don´t let Sarah die you ill never forget, you ill never will forgive yourself if you don´t try save her! You must act now! Don´t let the fear stop you...
thomas, today you will get the ferry??
Time to recruitment, if you are a Soldier, go to aladygma clues and post in the recruitment post... General, we are waiting for you, if you don´t show yourself, maybe we need to replace you...
That girl Lucero really has a lot of free time!!!
I am a man! Male! understand?
Take it easy Lucero...
and tell me something, carmine is the soldier?
i don't think so...
Well, here is my e-mail
We can talk about this!!
Saludos desde México...
We have not discovered clues for General as of yet. Do we await a large pink man to lead us, (we saw this in the notebook),or shall we elect our own general?
you are the general, you create the aladygma army...
We are now 11... and i hope more, soon...
Lucero is the General!!!
Is the General Martin Cahill?
Is the General a Ship or Train?
Is rapid rumor. Is spead. This Lucero is General? Is it true, or we make this, him General elect?
Why not Lucero, he has this idea...
We wait for a sign from "Great Pink One"? But no sign.
We must have leadership and get organized. We vote Lucero for General.
-la Dygmafia ha parlato-
The Page of the General... one day, the people will say, it began with Lucero...
Yes, Lucero for General!
Elite Hunters gathering? Have you heard of the Dygmafia, is this the army of General Lucero? Or are they behind the scenes? Is there a site?
forget man ,you cant get there ,YOU CAN PASS BY THE GUARD pay atencion ,The guard is on the left ,dont make sound,His cant see.Use the belt.PLEASE READ THIS.USE THE BELT:You may die
Pay atenciona read above ,please dont get kill ,i dont have the key anymore its broken ,i will met you ,So look at your window ,just pay atencion ,i now how is HIM and i now where i can get a new key,all will make sence when i talk to you so WAIT.
Thomas, the soldiers are coming to me and are joining, I am qualified to be the general you're looking for?
I have support from an organization that was formed among the elite of hunters, and I am receiving support from soldiers around the world, you believe that I can be that general?
Please dont't kill the baby!
sedate it.
the general coming soon!!
don't worry!
part 7 of map!
the map wont work whitout the key!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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