I must say, you are really GREAT! THANKS to everyone who's helping me!!! And thanks to translate my Video!!
I know (THANK YOU!!!!) now where is the place, the ALADYGMA ZONE, near to the Great Tomb of Verghina, or Great Tomb of Vergina (Verghina, Greece).
So i have a Chance to start my Mission and to save Sarah, and all the people living IT.
And you have found the Medaillon, The Sun of Vergina, found in the Tomb! I have no words to say how much i believe now in the most of you.
So please, help me now to find the right way to Verghina. Everybody knows how to come there. But I need a apecial Map for this. Not just a google map or something like that- it's an ancien Map - i believe. Because only that WAY brings me to all the People and Situation, that I HAVE TO meet. The ALADYGMA ZONE is not a simple Zone, is ... how to say...like a "living", "intelligent" Zone. If I come from the Wrong Site, i will die. And Andrei will leave me alone to die. He told me that. Andrei told me he had one Map, last time when he was there. But then he lost it. But...how to believe him? I never saw him. Maybe he is a part of the Zone. Maybe is a "product" if the Zone. I do not know exactly. But he will get the Medaillon, when everything goes right. And he promised me to help me...to help us. I need much of you Humans helping me, and some Soldier- this will be a long way. A big experience. I hope, not the last experience.
16 years ago
Ok Thomas...
we're here for you...
we'll found this map...
Hi thomas!
I'm a soldier, i'm here for you!
Tell me what you need from me, I want to help you!
Maps, medaillons... whatever you need. We´ll try to help you, Thomas
We'll find this map, Thomas
we'll help you thomas :)
Thomas... do you know who is 011101 aka Alex aka ALL?
where do we begin looking for this map?
do you know how old is it?
and what zone does it cover? i mean only the vergina site or more?
thomas, did yo or mary already used some of the items from the "zone"?
We are a team with problems of communication, disagreements, I believe, with some traitors infiltrated and totally without notion of how to help each other, but in the end we are a team and we want to help you to do the right thing ... We will find the map, take care well, and if possible, create the most effective way to maintain contact, they want to deceive, and you vanish only helps...
Your fearless friend of Brazil...
Lucero de Albuquerque...
But I think my palavrs apply to all hunters aladigma ... Sebastian true? or should I say "leader"? : P
thomas...i wait my mission.
i come for you!!!!
and...sarah is dead
lol... leader...
no leader...
But you have rigt. We have problems, but on the end, we are a team.
I am your opinion.
OK, what is the right Map:
And there are more maps. But which is the right one. I think, he needs a old map...
Thomas, we'll help you look for the medalion. We'll help you look for the map. WE ARE HERE TO HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ anonymos:
How do you know for sure that Sara's dead?
I'm gonna help you as much as I can ;)
I will find the right map for you
herewe have a lot of ancient maps...
this, could be useful, the ancient knew what was from another planet and what power came from earth....hope it will be helpful, and still, i'm not sure about you, thomas, you're not telling everything, don't you?
this is interesting, it's a picture from the tomb 1 in vergina, and it represents the abduction of proserpina, just like the cezanne painting in "thenightshot"....anyway, someone of you knows neogreek? i thought that if someone could know about an ancient map of the vergina zone that could be the archaology department of the salonicco university, since they were some of the first to make an expedition there.....waiting for your ideas
This is the map?
It´s hard to find the map, o try to find stalkers and their maps but i just find maps of "the game stalker", it´s hard...
It´s hard to find the map, o try to find stalkers and their maps but i just find maps of "the game stalker", it´s hard...
i don´t know were i can found maps of other zones, i just find the maps of chernobyl, of the "stalker" movie and game... But this zone is in greece, and i don´t find any stalker from greece... Or zones...
rompo le scatole un'ultima volta per segnalare a chi è italiano un sito piuttosto interessante sulla cartografia antica:
tralaltro l'identificazione di una delle prime ecumene con lo scudo di achille mi da da pensare allo scudo trovato nella tomba di vergina, che sia quella la mappa?
aspetto commenti:)
ok, eccolo, temevo che altrimenti non entrasse
we have a lot of maps here, but i think Thomas need better maps...
We are here, in this world for this mission, people had to die for this, now we have to fight to save the world, i accept my mission, HE told me what my mission was, i hope HE talks to you people and tell you what mission you have...
On Greek soil, at Hellenikon and Ligourio west of Athens in the Argolid region, are two limestone pyramids that are stylistically very much like those at Giza near Cairo.
Who is Andrei?
Dont worrt thomas, we are here to help you
PD: That girl Lucero has so much free time...
Thomas, look closely -
I´m not a girl, i´m a man... And yeah, i have time to spend... ¬¬
Well... I buy a Digital Camera this week, and today, i make this "shit video", i make some questions to you Thomas, well... I hope this video show to you "i´m a real person, a human" and you can talk with me...
if you can, send to my in youtube, your real e-mail, i don´t know if it circulating the Internet is real.
thomas che significa quel IT in maiuscolo??
c'entra l'amigdala??
la mappa dell'amigdala ti serve?
bella pensata, carmine, è possibile...se così fosse...voilà:
thomas.. so che non risponderai mai..
ricollegandomi all'amigdala, forse ti serve la mappa del villaggio Dzhuma (Kozhany)??
Thomas are these of interset?
Zones, defying average physics...magnetism, and odd Pyramids in Greece.
Iota Tau?
[IT] For them, the vision-inducing elixir made from Amazonian jungle vines and leaves opens doors to parallel realities where mystical creatures reign.
"[IT] is a plant – a rain forest plant – which they turn in to what they call a turn and Shaman in South America have been using it for centuries at least to take people into other realms of reality...
Wünschen Sie sterben?
Thomas, what is the "Wrong Site" ???
When you coming from the "Wrong Site" , you die, why???
Be careful Thomas! Are you sure you know about this 'Zone'?
(inside Vergina, informations, just translate)
------- I Thik i have a "map" of the vergina ruins(something like that, here say how to enter in the sealed room)
the text translated
The name of tapeinou small village, built by the refugees of the Sea, emele remain indelibly engraved in the memory for the entire world. It was 1976, when Professor Manolis Andronikos, focussed his research on a low hill, a «tuba» on the edge of the village. The «mounds», as the locals call it, are a feature of the landscape and Macedonia were from the 19 th century known that in their hearts conceal relics of the past. The «Great Touba» Vergina exterior was not anything special, which made it stand out from dozens of others. The shocking discovery that would be done there was an incredible anakatoma intuition, persistence, luck and destiny. A tireless researcher after thirty years of research, will be linked his name with the greatest archaeological discovery of the 20 st century and make the name of Vergina famous throughout the world.
Until then, other eminent archaeologists, was identified in the same area the walls, theatre and the palace of a very important city, goats, the ancient capital of the Macedonians. When the teacher Andronicus started investigations, the «Great Touba» height was 13 metres and a diameter close to 100. In 1976, there has been a brilliant year for the excavations, and came to light numerous epitymvies columns of the 4 th and principles of the 3 rd century BC Many of these were written and brought engraved on them the names and patronyma of the ancient Macedonians. The existence of a large cemetery in the region was known from previous investigations. Nothing else is not prominye but what would follow.
The next year, almost anelpista, revealed a large Macedonian tomb. It is built with domous and has the form megarou with anteroom and the front of a temple. The most interesting feature of the outer tomb is the great fresco in the Doric facade of the monument. In one frieze length of 5.60 measures represented a hunt through the picturesque scene in a rich landscape alsous, a separate composition with rich colors. The monumental gate of the tomb is sealed. The tomb is asylitos and archaeologist will pass within one hole in the roof. This facing surpassed all expectations. A panoply warrior is mounted on the back wall, as the years left before 2300, while on the floor were a chryselefantini bed and all the precious items which accompanied the dead in his last residence. Finally sealed in a golden larnaka with the emblem of the Macedonian kings are the bones of the dead. Surprised the teacher understands that he is facing a dead king of ancient Macedonia, who died somewhere in the decade to 330 BC At that magical moment, not who dares to think it could be.
The tomb after much reflection will be ascribed to Philip V, the great military and political persuasions of 4 th century BC, the father of Alexander the Great. King Philip was murdered in theatre Aegai, during the marriage of his daughter Kleopatras. Many aspects of the assassination of historically remained dark. Buried just a few hundred metres away from the scene of the crime.
A second conundrum waited Archaeologists set in the same tomb, which found a second golden larnaka containing the bones of a woman, wrapped in cloth chrysoufanto. The burial probably attributed to the last wife of Philip II, Cleopatra. Another chryselefantini bed complement rich kterismata the tomb, while varytima gold crowns and diadems prodidan - if there was ever a doubt - once the royal origin of the dead.
The tomb prevailed to say «tomb of Philip», but in recent years many scientists and has efkatafronita arguments chronologisan the grave 20 years later from 336 BC, was killed Phillip. This new dating brings us very close to the year was murdered Aridaios, Half-brother of M. Alexander and one of the successors of the Macedonian throne. The scientific debate about the identity of the deceased continues even today, without any result as both sides have their arguments. But if anyone is dead, the importance of the discovery of Andronikou no longer overshadowed.
Inside the gold and the brilliance of the discovery of a asylitou Macedonian royal tomb, almost forgotten a second tomb found in the same year. It is the so-called «tomb of Persephone». Sylimenos since antiquity, but our diesose samples of art, of which almost all projects have been lost. The «tomb of Persephone» diakosmountan with wonderful paintings with themes inspired by mythology. From what distinguishes the abduction of Persephone by the god of the Lower World, Pluto. The painting this scene, in the view of historians of art, is itself one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20 th century, and compensate us for what portable luxury items removed by any tymvorychoi. The paintings with the vividness of color and line their impressive show great skill, which justifies their performance in a major painter of the era, probably Nikomacho.
A third Macedonian tomb discovered in 1978 in «Great Touba», beside the tomb of Philip B. The tomb is substantially smaller and somewhat younger than that «Philip», containing the bones of an adolescent about 14 years, arranged in a argyri hydria brought as epistepsi gold wreath. I do not know what can be owned, but they must be a member of the royal dynasty. That is why the tomb was named conventional «tomb of Prince». And this tomb glytose from the mania of tymvorychon: diesose us all gifts burial of the dead, precious utensils and weapons, and another chryselefantini bench. A close zoforos on the chariot race decorate with beautiful color of the walls inside the antecedent.
In all the monuments of Great Toumba included two monuments even more fragmented, but equally important.
Next to the tomb of Persephone found the foundations of a iroou, namely a porinou ypergeiou construction, which apparently was built in honor of a deceased, probably what was inside the «tomb of Philip».
Finally, a little further than the three Macedonian tombs in the region of Great Toumba, in 1980 found the remains of another Macedonian tomb, known as «tomb of free columns». An estimated will be erected around 300 BC and was rich, as demonstrated by the few but striking findings, and the free formation of the facade with the four liberal Doric columns, which also took its name.
All royal tafon, skepastike during seniority by one enormous tumulus. This was probably after the departure of King Pyrros and mercenaries, after the looting that had undergone the tombs of the ancient city from invaders (274 / 3 BC). Thus the large artificial
Hill called the modern «Great Touba», skepase the tombs and small mounds sixty years after their creation and remained a stable landmark in the region. Upon completion of the excavation of Great Toumba, built in 1992 a large building with a protective outer form one of the mound, which stegase these important monuments. Thus the visitor has even today the image of the large hill epitafiou, simadefe the location of graves.
Recently, at the end of 1997, the Ministry of Culture launched inside the protective shell report with the objects and kterismata large tombs and other smaller region. Exposure golden larnakes the tomb of Philip, some weapons and utensils, models and photographs of monuments. Among the exhibits are distinguished chryselefantines beds of the tomb of Philip, with inlaid elefantosteines head of Philip and M. Alexander, works only for art and for the valuable materials from which they are built.
George K outsoyflakis - A rchaiologos
The entrance of Great Toumba the tomb of Philip II at the Museum of Vergina.
"I come from the Wrong Site"
Thomas, when you coming from the wrong site, you die. Is the answer in the past. You need a old map. On the old map, you can see something. Can it be, when you coming from the wrong site, the people think, you are a enemy??? Is this about a war in the past. And when you have the map, you can going to this country without a problem??? is a idea.
Because, than you know the enemys from this country??? And you can go the right way, to this country. the right site, not the wrong site???
i´m shooting in all directions... I think some time i will get the target, hahahaha
well... it´s time to research more...
more informations, but ancien maps... it´s dificult...
The greek name of Vergina is Βεργίνα, this city is called in the past of Aigaes, i think, an ancient map of this city maybe called a "map of Aigaes", but is hard to find this map alone... I can have some help?
I think the map that Thomas both want is the map of Aigaes... Aigaes is the ancient name of Vergina...
the sentence that says it is:
Vergina is about 13km south-east of the district centre of Veroia and about 80km south-west of Thessaloniki, the capital of Greek Macedonia. The town has a population of about two thousand people and stands on the foothills of Mount Pieria, at an elevation of 120m (360 ft) above sea level.
Founded by King Perdikas in the 7th Century BC it was formally known as Aigaes and was the first capital of Macedonia. When the capital was moved to Pella it was continued to be used as the royal burial grounds. In 336 BC, King Phillip II was assasinated by one of his seven bodyguards while attending the wedding of his daughter Cleopatra in the theatre.The Royal Palace was built for King Antigonas Gonatas, and while few of the walls that have been excavated stand very tall, the size of the area they cover is impressive. Archaeologists presume it was the summer residence of the king. The Royal Tomb has yielded great treasures, belonging to King Phillip, father of Alexander the great.
Ps: I think increased slightly in the scrap, hehehehe
Hey Thomas. I want to help you. I'm a human. I've been researching about the great tomb of vergina. I'm looking for the map. Let me know how else I can help.
(map of Aigai)
more ancient maps and info related...
"I know (THANK YOU!!!!) now where is the place, the ALADYGMA ZONE, near to the Great Tomb of Verghina, or Great Tomb of Vergina (Verghina, Greece)."
"So i have a Chance to start my
Mission and to save Sarah, and all the people living IT."
"And you have found the Medaillon, The Sun of Vergina, found in the Tomb! I have no words to say how much i believe now in the most of you.
So please, help me now to find the right way to Verghina. Everybody knows how to come there. But I need a apecial Map for this. Not just a google map or something like that- it's an ancien Map - i believe. Because only that WAY brings me to all the People and Situation, that I HAVE TO meet."
"The ALADYGMA ZONE is not a simple Zone, is ... how to say...like a "living", "intelligent" Zone. If I come from the Wrong Site, i will die. And Andrei will leave me alone to die. He told me that. Andrei told me he had one Map, last time when he was there. But then he lost it. But...how to believe him? I never saw him. Maybe he is a part of the Zone. Maybe is a "product" if the Zone. I do not know exactly. But he will get the Medaillon, when everything goes right. And he promised me to help me...to help us."
"I need much of you Humans helping me, and some Soldier- this will be a long way. A big experience. I hope, not the last experience."
The Fake Blog.
"When i come from the wrong site"
Thomas want to tell us, when i come from a wrong "Page", he will die ??? Here is only one side, my site???
Yes, and he don´t need a map from google or so... the Fake page has google maps and so.
Yes, and the aladygma zone is a "living", "intelligent" Zone. The riddel are intelligent, aladygma is intelligent.
IT is for Italy
We found something in Vergina, not in the rest the World.
There is only one way, the real way, Thomas blog. Because real aladygma blogs speak the truth???
IT is for Italy, he will save the people from italy???
I think... If that map isn´t here... We will need whitespaces, find Andrei, or some other " stalker " to do this...
Yes... a new whitespace, or something else.
I put here the old map of AIGAI(Vergina)... If is not the map... I don´t know... I don´t will find a map of Tomb... Not so easy in internet... That thing they don´t let so "easy"...
Well, time to search about stalkers, of greece, i will need some help...
Do you know it?
(this try i thanks to Carmine, i read the information on the blog now...)
the place is Kozani, is a little far from vergina... Thomas talk to us the zone is "near" of vergina...
the past... enemy from Vergina or macedon... a war in the past or so... when he come from the wrong side or site, he is a enemy or so... Or the the Zone, is a danger zone, and he must go around the zone...
sebastian... You think... Thomas will awnser my video message? (i post here) if he awnser, maybe we will know what map he is talking about... But... I will check the past too... Good idea...
or present... but i think, he must go around the Zone... maybe, from the Water side... he must coming from the Water side... ???
i hope, you have a answer, we will see...
Blog italiano viene esaminato!!!
Eu espero que o mapa da cidade de Aigai que eu achei sirva pro Thomas... Foi o melhor mapa que eu achei...
I hope that the map of the city of Aigai I found that serves pro Thomas ... It was the best map that I found ...
*sorry i post in portuguese, i forget to use the google translator, ahuehuaehuahueae
Work together! Lucero. Why She is sad and So bitter?
Why does She steal clues? Because she is not so clever? We are all happy. she is bitter. the world is a team. Except for you. don't be bitter girl. Be the team on us.
the site of aigai:
Who is "she"? You ta speaking of who Anonymous? I have to work as a team with this blog and with Thomas, when I do not do the slightest idea of who you talk ta...
WOW! Tagada97, nice shoot! I hope be right... And Aigai be the place we need...
Nah. Wrong! We already posted what it was. After confirmation, we will post so that you can see.
dont forget it:
rengul nie tsi samoht
thomas is ein lugner
thomas is a liar
oh, mammina mia, Lucero, you're flooding the comments with websites....please don't overdo it!!!
Una domanda:
ma se la mappa che cerca thomas non è una classica mappa che si può trovare su internet ma una mappa speciale, come possiamo sperare d trovarla, apunto, su internet? voglio dire, se è così antica sarà solo in una qualche importante biblioteca greca o ceh so io...
poi boh, gli esperti siete voi... :)
altra cosa:
"I need much of you Humans helping me, and some Soldier"
ricordiamo gli indirizzi human@aladygma.com e soldier@aladygma.com
che inviano risposte come "Thank you. now you are a Human/soldier. you will get your mission soon."
poi sul blog di dany c'è una foto di sarah con il tatuaggio del sole a 16 raggi. ma io non ho capito bene la situazione:dov'è sarah?e dany? sono insieme? credo di essermi un pò perso...
segnalo inoltre
spero di essere servito a qualcuno ;)
Sorry for the flooding, I just had to post my findings and questions, and I have no contact with anyone except for this blog ... Well, people have said already to have found the map, but is with him in secret, it would be an attempt to inhibit our quest?
"Anonymous Anonymous said ...
Work together! Lucero. Why She is sad and So bitter?
Why does She steal clues? Because she is not so clever? We are all happy. She is bitter. the world is a team. Except for you. Do not be bitter girl. Be the team on us. "
I want to know who he talking ta ...
Dear Thomas;
I think this (http://bp3.blogger.com/_ICDvU-xyZGs/SBBSQmTnGgI/AAAAAAAAAAc/sR7Ap9Rs9Zg/s1600-h/aladygma+9.bmp) could be a map for you.
I want to help you.
Please, let me know if the map I linked to you is good or not.
thomas.. ma porca vacca.. se non dai qualche altra indicazione in piu, come cavolo la troviamo sta mappa??
(map of kozani, i search Kozani thanks to Carmine, well this is steal clues? ^__^)
(site with ancient maps)
(direct link to one of a good collection of macedonia)
I will put more possibilities soon...
I know what is about "to steal clues". 2 man on "discussion" have post many shares clue. But then clue appear on Italia site, under "only we have found it" none else. and so get mad they at not happy to all to share. Also to it could be part of the Game to keep players against distracted, maybe ???
Thomas is a liar!
I found it first!
when someone is Anonymous, is easy, to write something...
Is somebody here, that´s
get money for clues or what??? I think, here are people, that´s don´t know all the ALADYGMA FAN BLOGS. SO, when someone write here a clue, is this than wrong. Or must some people ask other people, if they can write here something, because, someone has first a clue. You speak about stealing, i see, for some people is this the End of the World. Is ALADYGMA a Kindergarten or what??? I see here, some people stealing here the fun. think about it.
It is not true.
The Truth
vorrei posare di nuovo un occhio sull'indizio del colosso di rodi/uomo dalle interiora in vista 8si dai quello con el piramidi da una parte e qualcos'altro dall'altra, che in aladygma corrisponde al WS hum).
innanzi tutto, sia le vene blu che i muscoli rossi sono molto spostati rispetto al resto del corpo, come se vi fossero stati stampati dopo da una macchina (inoltre il rosso chiaro è fatto a puntini, nonc redo che molto tempo fa usassero questa tecnica...anzi, io credevo facessero tutto in bianco e nero XD).
sul cuore ci sono dei segni rossi, e sopra lo stomaco è segnata una parte blu. io credo che il colore sia stato aggiunto dopo. ma da chi? da quelli dell'institut? bisognerebbe trovare l'originale e vedere se è così o se è in bianco e nero.
nelle scritte a lato si nomina Licurgo 8legislatore spartano) e le sue leggi, quindi dice che la meraviglia del mondo più grande è l'essere umano. potete trovare tutto quì:
io cerco di rendermi utile in qualche modo, anche rivangando vecchi indizi (a me questo è sempre stato poco chiaro, magari mi sono perso qualcosa) ;)
Thomas. Sie hatten Diese Karte in Ihr Notebook. Ist dies der Karte, oder die Karte, hat 3 Dimensionen?
Das kann ich nicht verraten 3d Karte hier, noch nicht. Bekümmert. Ich werde versuchen, heute Abend.
thomas.. who is Stjepan??
who is Stjepan B?
I think, we have soon a new whitespace...
"follow the whitespaces. and you will understand."
Yes Thomas... who is Stjepan B?
Hey. I think Stjepan B. might be Stefan Berke from jasella.de
Is Stjepan B someone from the past... a king or so... someone from greece... ???
è questa la mappa?
new clue
This man has your map: Stjepan Boravik.
He has emailed a aladygma news site to post the first piece of the map you need:
You MUST talk to him and find other news sites willing to post the other 15 pieces!!
Email him at:
i am with you,i'm gonna help you.
good luck with your mission!!!
franco,of argentina
Yeah, i the end, our search is in vain, we just need to wait, the aladygma project have the key... But... I will look into newspapers...
Истинно вам говорю: 4 мая 1925 года Земля налетит на Небесную Ось...
Andrey [torkovskiy] said…
I truly you tell: On May 4, 1925 the Earth will fly against the celestial axis…
May 4 is the 124th day of the year (125th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 241 days remaining until the end of the year.
come on humans!!!!! get more websites to host the pieces of the map the owners of websites must contact stjoan b o whatever he is called... go go go
From stjepan boravik
Please all other Websites waiting: give me some time, i must choose. I
am getting many many mails.
Please understand me.
We Should wait!!!
Hi Thomas,my name is Nicola Pennisi,admin pianetabari.it
is possibile a little interview? Contact me a :nicola.pennisi@gmail.com bye
5 pieces of map
tha map is italian!!!
the words on the map are in italian
HELLO! こんにちは!
I am Japanese. 私は日本人です。
I loke cloverfield!
Hi Thomas, i had tryed to contact you, but i failed. Please contact me.
Your friend
like < loke < love
Hi, Thoma...
If I were you i'd try to take a look on the Andrei's blog...
There's a message there for you. I tried to read it, but i couldn't...
Find the hidden link and use the software on the picture. Maybe you could read it...
Look to 'ya all
IBZ, from Brazil...
thomas,please write to andrei:
the truth about andrei ts on my blog
i think that in few day,the IT in the thomas's post will become IT.carmine speak about andrei want thomas change punctuation...
if,i'm right,we'll know that andrei's blog is real...
Hola Thomas soy de México, me tienes muy consternado por lo que te esta pasando!
Me gustaría ayudar!! Dime que puedo hacer por tí!
Confía en mi!!
Hello Thomas I am from Mexico, you have me very dismayed about what's happening!
I would like to help!! Tell me what I can do for you!
Trust in me please!!
my e-mail: jlvc89@hotmail.com
How poor Thomas is!
Listen to this music!
What are the chances that the aladygma site have secretly left the coordnants? Sounds like something that has happened before.
I want to help...
Come on thomas!!!
i wanna help you!!!
Tell me what do you need!!!
this is my e-mail: jlvc89@hotmail.com
Or post something!!!
piece 16 is on my blog:
oh my god!! it's dangerous to put my e-mail here...
What i have done...well i don't care because i wanna help...
if something happen to me, that i don't think so, i wanna "go" knewing that i help...
You have to trust in me....
see the piece 12 here:
someone know if thomas is in his mission?
Thomas! You have to trust!
You have my help in everything!
Hey thomas...
I`m waiting my mission...
I want help you...
this is my email acuenix@gmail.com
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