No news of my son. The Leader of Humans published a couple of video, even some human and some soldiers, but not really much. I did not really get the impression of being helped! I am alone in this tragedy. Sarah no longer, closed in its secret world. Or perhaps his brain is controlled by Aliens?
But I received a mail from Stjepan. He is still alive! I have to find the stalker Andrej, and give him the medallion. But first I must find all the things I need for travel in the Area. It will not be as easy as I thought. It will take a car. It will take perhaps weapons and I must bring to eat, to drink and other stuff.. I do not know exactly whats expecting me in the Area but one thing I am sure ... will be dangerous. Stiepjan wrote that I will get from Andrej messages. I wondered how did Andrey discover where I sleep. But can I trust this Andrej? In any case, the first messagero I found this morning under my door:
I have to decide which car to take? His he kidding me????SMART??? To go in the area certainly I need a car, ok, but I have to pay for this or what????Bizzarre, all this story is such a crazy thing.....oh my god....what should I decide...?
16 years ago
I would take the Land Rover especially considering the fact that you have to carry a lot of goods(and you will need stuff to be prepared for nearly every situation and I suppose guns won't be wrong either) and might come through rough terrain.
Soldier Dennis
go stylish, use an old fiat 500 or a mini cooper, maybe you won't be comfortable in crossing the zone with that, but, i mean, you can't compare the effect!!!!!
as for your son; do you know pablo l?
is him the same pablo you speak about in page 24 of your agenda? he posted a pic saying your son was there, so, if you know him, why don't you ask him or put us in contact?
We found a clue, but we need your anwser about Pablo L., that guy i think, have some connection with what happening with your son...
He is one of the passengers of the Ferry, he is FOLLOW you, and we see a "Pablo" in our datebook...
Who is he? We need to know more about that, the humans and some soldiers are in the search, but, if you help will be more easy...
About the car, is obvious, take the Land Rover...
I'm with them...Land Rover......
Land Rover...go for it!
Take the Mazda - probably the faster of the 3...who wants to economical now with a shitty Smart car - you'll hit a curb and be killed.
or a cadillac, a pink one, with pink plush dices and a good stereo, i mean, come on!!!
The zone p´robably is in a place far of city, the mazda don´t have "power" to be used in the "bad road"...
Use the SMART... they will think, you will make holidays, and you use right now the wrong way. Becaues they have other problems, as look behind a SMART.
When you use the Land Rover, they will think, you want something, and you are prepare.
How did you end up with the medallion Thomas? I don't remember you ever mentioning that you actually had it. It seems to have just appeared out of thin air.
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