I would like to understand what´s happening. Photos of my son have been seen. Should I stay in Meteora to save it? But I know that I can not stay long, my training is finished, the trip expect me, and I have not much time.
If I remain, saving maybe my son, but loosing Sarah... and humanity is lost.
Lord help me. How to decide???!!!
16 years ago
You must find Lawrence Thomas.. Don't lose site of your goals.
Thomas, no matter what he is, Larry is still your son. You have an obligation to help him.
Humans can help save Larry. Let Soldiers save Sarah and Humanity. We need only your instructions.
Save your extraterrestrial son and save the humanity, please!!!!!
PD: his mother dont count
who knows what will happen to the world if you don't find larry... very bad things. there are other ways to save sarah for sure.
I can´t talk too mutch... Larry... He needs help... I know it more than everyone... But Thomas, i don´t have mutch time, the only thing i can say is:
Belive in your friends, you can´t be in two places at the same time, but the soldiers and the humans want to make the diference, they want help you...
If they can do something that help you, make your choise with that in mind... Someone need to reach Larry, but need to be prepared to everything... Everything...
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