The last days were strange ... but also special.
I received photos of my son !!!!! I will show as soon as possible.
So my son is alive!
the photos sent me a paparazzo who signed as in the Film Star Wars : Darth Vater.
I had to laugh as i saw this :D
So this coincides with the inscription METEORA TEVARDARTH on
Finally a clue that works!
in the meantime, I continued my training. Thanks to Lucero and Sean and all the others, you are wonderful! I had to move from the beach only because another paparazzo photographed at me! And I feel fear that even someone take a photo of Sarah.
I'm preparing for the visit to Varlaam. I learned from that aladygma.blogspot find news about the monster, my son and a time machine.
I don´t know what I wil find there really, so i am a bit afraid.
16 years ago
count whit us to any kind of help that you could need. srry i speak spanish.
They are indeed good news, Thomas. But don't forget, they still have your son. Good news is that he's alive.
But stay sharp. Don't let those photos get you out of your focus. You still need to train. While you're at it, we've got you covered.
Best regards,
G.H.S, Soldier.
Thomas, you receive my message? I discover more things, that danger that i say to you, is more real that i think... Read my new message please, is important...
We will try to aide you Thomas. We have some information about the time machines location, and possibley the man you must speak with. I must wait for instructions before I can say more, for your own safety. Be safe, Be strong!!!
We will try to aide you Thomas. We have information about the time machine, and the possibley the man you must speak to. I am waiting for instructions before I can comment about it.
Be safe, Be strong!!!
Wouldn't that be 'Darth VaDer', Thomas?
great to know that clues are useful now
Thomas if your really interested in finding your son you better start thinking of something besides our help,We are limited to do things,all we have is a computer.You need people to come and help you.No im not talking about the aladygma army thats the stupidest idea ever!You need a real army,people who can fight,that are not afraid,have useable weapons,you know its not that hard to get real help.If you can contact some type of law enforcement were ever you may be and show them things you have recorded you could get world wide attention and the military could fight the monster,kill it.
And get your son back.
Stop Waiting.
!You Dont Have Much Longer!
Hi Thomas. About a month ago I accidentally BUMPED on and thanks to curiosity I ended um on your blog.
Since then I've started to pay attention to your entries here AND also been doing some research following all those clues.
For now all I want you to know, is that I'm here watching and still researching. I'll probably end up helping when when I think it's time for me to come into "action".
Fer Sotira
(Elements Table)
Good luck in Varlaam !!!
find your son =)
- E-vile -
Hey Thomas, me again.
Seems like you've been training a lot to go to "The Zone". In one of your posts you mentioned that "the zone" somehow alive. According to I've read and researched so far, all of this has something to do with mind control or something like that.
I don't know where you are or what you are doing at the moment but I wanna warn you. If you're going in there you better train your mind too. There's a great chance that "they" can manipulate their opponents minds in that "zone" specially the AMYGDALA. What better thing to control than the enemy's FEAR??
Well, this is it for now....I'll get you some more info later.
Take care Thomas.
Fer Sotira
(Elements Table)
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